Find Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer Houston to Protect your Legal Rights

For instance if you are charged with a DWI, you could be facing up to 2 years in jail depending on your blood alcohol level, and that is without having an accident or causing anyone injury. You will likely be facing many other consequences adversely affecting your personal and professional life. When you contact the criminal defense lawyer Houston he will review your case for inaccuracies, mistakes, and defects in the charges filed and likely challenge the reason for the stop, especially if the field sobriety tests, breath test, or blood draw were performed incompetently. If these types of defects and mistakes are shown, it could lead to a suppression of that evidence in controversy and result in dismissal.

Houston DWI Lawyer
Similarly, in a criminal case the defense lawyer may, through the use of his own investigators, uncover evidence that exonerates the accused. The defense lawyer should offer a high calibre representation to clients to protect their legal rights. Once the case has been concluded, the client may be eligible to petition the court for expunction or deletion of all records related to the case .By immediately hiring an experienced lawyer when accused of criminal charges you give yourself the advantage of being represented at the earliest possible stage in the process. So just check online to find an experienced criminal defense lawyer Houston who is available to discuss your case confidentially; give you an unbiased and realistic evaluation of your case and discuss actions that can be taken to help you with the criminal charges filed against you.